Saturday Clubs are weekly meetings all about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). We invite students in Grades 1-12 to join us in exciting themes including Engineering, Coding, Anatomy, and more! These weekly ten-session programs are led by passionate undergraduate staff and are sure to excite almost anyone with a passion for STEM.

January 18, 25, February 1st, 8th, 22nd, March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th. **No clubs February 15th. - 10AM – 12:30PM
PACIFIC STANDARD TIME - UBC Vancouver (Point Grey Campus)
- Chaoyin International School
See our club offerings below! Winter clubs will commence Saturday, January 18th with the last session on March 29th. **There will be no clubs on February 15th (Family Day & UBC Reading Break).
STEM: Dig Into This! 1/2
Have you ever wondered what could be hidden right beneath your feet? Join us as we explore the ancient fossil record – and shake it up to investigate the hidden mechanisms behind earthquakes. Join us on a weekly adventure about everything that happens underground, from rocks to earthquakes and even dinosaurs!
Join this club if you like cool rocks, dinosaurs, investigating, and the earth!
This is a brand new theme for Geering Up clubs! Some themes may pull ideas from past programs, but will present them with fun new twists.
LOCATIONS: Vancouver, Richmond
PRICING: $340 for 10 sessions
Anatomy Adventurers 3/4
Curious about how the human body works? This club is perfect for budding biologists, future doctors, or any child with a passion for science and discovery! Join us for a hands-on journey through all things human biology; from learning how we move to discovering the secrets behind our cells. With interactive experiments, fun challenges, and engaging activities, they’ll gain a deeper understanding of what makes us tick—inside and out!
Join this club if you want to know more about how our bodies work!
This is a brand new theme for Geering Up clubs! Some themes may pull ideas from past programs, but will present them with fun new twists.
LOCATIONS: Vancouver, Richmond
PRICING: $340 for 10 sessions
[FULL: Waitlist only] Creative Coders 5-7
If you’re excited about the idea of programming-based innovations, then you’ll want to join your fellow coders for weekly sessions of creative coding projects! This club will be a beginner-level introduction to the basics of JavaScript. Get ready to dive into one of the most widely used programming languages in the world and harness its power at your fingertips.
Join this club if you’re looking to break into the coding world, or are looking to build on existing skills to learn a new language!
LOCATION: Vancouver
PRICING: $360 for 10 sessions
[JUST ADDED] Motion Lab 5-7
Stop and go! The world is always moving and we’ve got to move with it. In this club we’ll accelerate full speed ahead into the mechanics behind motion and learn how we can use these principles to keep people safe in crashes or create devices to assist people with a limited range of motion. In this club campers will design and test projects to achieve their goals. Don’t stop the fun before it can even be set in motion!
Join this club if you’re interested in hands-on experiments and exercising your creative problem-solving skills.
LOCATION: Vancouver
PRICING: $360 for 10 sessions
Web Design 8/9
We’ll be diving into the behind-the-scenes of what it takes to make a website with this beginner-level coding club. Join us for weekly lessons on all things web design, starting with HTML and CSS, and eventually diving into JavaScript. Gain valuable skills in software engineering!
Join this club if you want to learn how to make your own website. This is a great skill for those with an entrepreneurial spirit!
Please note that this is not an intensive or for-credit course, but a fun, educational environment for your high schooler to explore coding. All levels of technical ability are welcome! The goal of this club is to work towards an end-of-term project using the skills learned over the course of the club.
LOCATION: Vancouver
PRICING: $360 for 10 sessions
Quantum Computing and AI 10-12
While quantum particles might be small, we’re here to introduce some big ideas! Join us for weekly sessions introducing you to the world of Quantum Computing, and intersect this emerging field with Artificial Intelligence (AI). By the end of the semester, you’ll be a pro-ton when it comes to concepts such as superposition, entanglement, cryptography, AI, and more!
Join this club if you’re looking for an introduction to Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence. This club will have minimal coding.
Please note that this is not an intensive or for-credit course, but a fun, educational environment for your high schooler to explore the fundamentals of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
GRADE LEVELS: Grade 10-12
LOCATION: Vancouver
PRICING: $360 for 10 sessions
Each semester features a mixture of new inquiry-based curriculum and hands-on activities. Our Fall and Winter Saturday Clubs are designed to have new content that differs from previous Fall/Winter Clubs and Summer Camps combined with new takes on some fan favourites.
Saturday clubs run Saturdays from end of September to early December for the fall term, and mid January to end of March for the Winter term.
Please read the information below regarding our policies in place for clubs this year.
For Saturday clubs, we offer the following cancellation policy:
- If cancelled more than one week before club's start: $35 cancellation fee
- If cancelled one week or less before club's start: 50% refund
- If cancelled after 4pm the Friday before the club's start: no refund will be given
We want to be as flexible as possible while also keeping programming costs down. When a customer cancels, we lose money in non-refundable credit card and registration fees. We never charge a fee for transferring off the waitlist.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding our cancellation policies. Cancellations can be done through your Active account, or by emailing us at
You can reach us at