What is Geering Up?

UBC Geering Up Engineering Outreach is a team within the Faculty of Applied Science with the mandate of promoting science, engineering, and technology to youth across British Columbia. We endeavor to show program participants how fun, exciting, and useful engineering and science can be.


We hope to provide all of the children and youth of British Columbia with the opportunity to investigate engineering, science, and technology in a fun, educational and safe environment.


We are dedicated to promoting science, engineering and technology to the children and youth of British Columbia through fun, innovative and hands-on experiments and projects. We strive to reach all children and youth, regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture or socio-economic status, with special outreach for groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the sciences. We aim to provide valuable work experience to our employees, and enrich the University and community.

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Get Involved

There are countless ways you can help the youth of BC access high-quality STEM education! Whether you want to become a mentor, help support young minds during weekly clubs, or sponsor one of our programs. Your generosity will give the incoming generation of changemakers the opportunity to acquire futureproof skills to thrive in STEM fields.