Geering Up Earns IEEE’s EAB Vice President’s Award

From B.C. to D.C. (Washington, that is!), Geering Up is making strides in the world of barrier-free STEM education.
On the evening of November 17, 2023, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)’s Vice President of Educational Activities, Dr. Rabab Ward, presented Geering Up with the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB)’s 2023 Vice President’s Recognition Award. Our Senior Manager, Andrew Jamison, and our Kelowna team’s Assistant Manager, Adam Cornford, attended a buzzworthy presentation ceremony and were honoured to accept the award from Dr. Ward and Dr. Saifur Rahman, IEEE’s President and CEO.

The IEEE’s EAB Vice President’s Recognition Award is bestowed upon a group or individual who contributes continual efforts to inspire, empower, and shape the next generation of engineers, innovators, and problem-solvers. It is also intended to acknowledge those who display a consistent and meaningful commitment to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering and science. This award was established to give an opportunity to recognize those whose contributions that have had a significant and substantial effect on the practice of engineering and engineering education to forward the EAB’s mission.
Prior to the presentation ceremony, Andrew and Adam visited the city and take in key cultural sites. From the Washington Monument to the National Museum of African American History and Culture and more, we got the chance to see the legacy of exploration, engineering, and EDI efforts that have led us to today.

Thank you to the IEEE for advancing technological innovation and recognizing the innovation in Geering Up!

Join us and follow along as we GEER UP to inspire the next generations of scientists, engineers, critical thinkers, and leaders.